Tuesday, 16 October 2012


So the first project in my degree was entitled 'freak'. We were put into groups and had to 'visually communicate' the word 'freak'. So after a hair-tearing experience, and a hasty last minute game change my group came up with the idea of physically labelling people. As a group, we'd only got to know each other that week, so we wanted to focus on the first impressions you label people with when you meet them, so each of us labelled one another with how we originally perceived all of us. Also just before the critique, we wanted to label a few of our tutors (for this particular week it included the men behind 'Us') alas, with this technique it got a little out of hand, and everyone wanted to label everyone which just turned into inside jokes and polite compliments on everyone's backs which certainly wasn't what I wanted to happen. You live, you learn. Anyway! These are the labels which were on my back, and I'm unsure whether I agree or not...

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Pastures New.

So I wanted to start a real blog to show the word what I do. I've been tumbling for a year or two now and will keep at it, but I think this little beauty will be a tad more about me, rather than the things I like. Fingers crossed I'll keep this ahhhh!